Cursussen in het Cultuurhuis Kuiperspoort in Middelburg. 

Elke dinsdag van 19.30u tot 22.00 u geef ik cursus in de Kuiperspoort. Zie de website Cultuurhuis Kuiperspoort Middelburg!  Cursus van 17 november tot 22 december , 6 lesavonden voor slechts 135 euro. 







Expositie in Uden wordt zaterdag 17 oktober geopend!


Van 17 0ktober tot en met 15 november 2020

 expositie in het Kunstation Uden ,

Prior van Milstraat 14.

Alleen in het weekend open van 13.00 tot 17.00u.

 Er zijn naast werken van andere kunstenaars 25 eigen werken te zien. 











Dutch artist Leonard Silvius invited to the Chongqing Hong Museum of Art in Chongqing, China.


Last month the Dutch artist Leonard Silvius (1956) was invited by the museum committee of the prestigious Chongqing Hong museum in the largest city in the world: Chongqing (32 million inhabitants) to exhibit his installation from 2007.

The installation consists of a combination of two elements that are his profession: music and ceramics combined with a third element, video. The static forms of the ceramics are brought to life by a perception of time with sound and images that are projected on and under the ceramic forms. The ceramics were conceived by himself, the music was improvised on a variety of instruments by a trio of friends. Leonard, a professional orchestra violinist, is responsible for the violin himself. The light projection was worked out together with a friend.


The installation consists of three ceramic objects that together with improvisation and light projection provide a total mystical experience.

It can be seen in Chongqing, No.6 ZongBao Road, Chongqing Xi Yong Comprehensive Bonded Zone , Area B , Sha Ping Ba District, Chong Qing, China, Postal Code 400000, 保税区 重庆 市 沙坪坝 区 , 西 永 综合 保税区 B 区 , 综大道 大道 6 号 , 泓 艺 九洲 国际 文化 艺术 中心 Chongqing Hong Museum of Art, Chongqing January 10, 2020 - February 21, 2020

Leonard Silvius currently lives in Vlissingen. He was born and raised in Eindhoven. Finished the conservatory in Tilburg and played as a violinist in the Brabant Orchestra for 30 years, which merged with the Limburg Orchestra 6 years ago.

Attracted by hand-shaped ceramics, he began to develop his own formal language at the same time as the conservatory.

Under the motto: in the end it is alienating to live in a world of forms that is determined by others. Designing yourself is coming home.

The installation under the name Muvik Ceramics was first exhibited in 2007 in Huize Willemen, Salamanderstraat in Hengelo.






Nederlandse kunstenaar Leonard Silvius uitgenodigd in het Chongqing Hong Museum of Art in Chongqing, China.

Afgelopen maand is de Nederlandse kunstenaar Leonard Silvius (1956) door de museumcommissie van het prestigieuze Chongqing Hong museum in de grootste stad van de wereld: Chongqing ( 32 miljoen inwoners) uitgenodigd om zijn installatie uit 2007 tentoon te stellen.

De installatie bestaat uit een samengaan van twee elementen die zijn vak zijn: muziek en keramiek gecombineerd met een derde element, video. De statische vormen van de keramiek worden tot leven gebracht door een beleving in de tijd met geluid en beeld welke op en onder de keramische vormen worden geprojecteerd. De keramiek is bedacht door hemzelf, de muziek is door een trio van vrienden geïmproviseerd op verschillende instrumenten. Leonard, professioneel orkestviolist,  neemt daarin zelf de viool voor zijn rekening. De lichtprojectie is samen met een vriend uitgewerkt.

De installatie bestaat uit drie keramische objecten die samen met improvisatie en lichtprojectie voor een mystieke totaalbeleving zorgen.

Het is te zien in Chongqing, No.6 ZongBao Road, Chongqing Xi Yong Comprehensive Bonded Zone,Area B, Sha Ping Ba District, Chong Qing, China, Postal code 400000, 中国重庆市沙坪坝区,西永综合保税区B区,综保大道6号,泓艺九洲国际文化艺术中心

Chongqing Hong Museum of Art, Chongqing

January 10, 2020 – February 21, 2020



Leonard Silvius woont op het moment in Vlissingen. Hij is geboren en getogen in Eindhoven. Heeft het conservatorium in Tilburg afgerond en heeft 30 jaar als violist in Het Brabants Orkest gespeeld dat 6 jaar geleden een fusie is aangegaan met Het Limburgs Orkest. Aangetrokken door handgevormde keramiek begon hij tegelijk met het conservatorium een eigen vormentaal te ontwikkelen. Onder het motto: uiteindelijk is het  vervreemdend om te leven  in een vormenwereld  die door anderen bepaald is. Zélf vormgeven is thuiskomen.

De installatie onder de naam Muvikamiek is in 2007 voor het eerst tentoongesteld in Huize Willemen, Salamanderstraat in Hengelo.  



CV Leo Silvius

Born 09-05-1956

Born in Eindhoven, Netherland.

Education: Lyceum in Eindhoven,

 Conservatory for violin study at Tilburg ,

 Several courses for ceramics in Tilburg, later in Vlissingen at the Theo van Doesburg center with several ceramic and sculpture teachers,

course for glazing at the SBK at Gouda with Mieke de Groot as professor, Holland .

Growing up in a culture were every form you meet is prefabricated and prefixed by other people , it was an adventurous journey of discovering my own world of forms.

The beginning of opening my mind for objects with a personal touch was drinking coffee in the house of friends who had special made potteryware to drink their coffee from. The form and glaze of the cups gave a special sensation of individuality, warmth and love, so different from the industrially made coffeemugs. It made me inquisitive about working with clay and I applied for a course at the local artcentre. It took some effort  to shake off the dominant language of industrial forms. In the end: finding your own language of form is like coming home.

After years of playing as a violinist in the Brabants Orchestra I restarted working with clay and added  a sculptorcourse  , just to concentrate on what are you seeing.  Apart from this development of technique I developped my language of form into an even more distinctive and personal expression. With attraction to naturalness, spontaneity, mystery.

Looking for synthesis of the different forms of art that I control : music and ceramics, I developped objects like pots with a double bottom in which small sound devices gave surprising sounds. Or a fountain spitting water on a gong. A tree object with “tree music”. 


And in 2007 – 2008 I developped the MUVIKAMIEK, a neologism which indicates the words -MUsic, -VIdeo and – KerAMIEK (dutch for : ceramics). A work in which mystery is dominant.

Artistul olandez Leonard Silvius a fost invitat la Muzeul de Artă Chongqing Hong din Chongqing, China.


Luna trecută, artistul olandez Leonard Silvius (1956) a fost invitat de comitetul muzeal al prestigiosului muzeu Chongqing Hong din cel mai mare oraș din lume: Chongqing (32 de milioane de locuitori) pentru a-și expune instalația din 2007.

Instalarea constă dintr-o combinație de două elemente care sunt profesia sa: muzica și ceramica combinate cu un al treilea element, videoclipul. Formele statice ale ceramicii sunt aduse la viață de o percepție a timpului cu sunet și imagini proiectate pe și sub formele ceramice. Ceramica era concepută de el însuși, muzica a fost improvizată pe o varietate de instrumente de către un trio de prieteni. Leonard, un violonist de orchestră profesionist, este responsabil pentru vioara în sine. Proiecția de lumină a fost elaborată împreună cu un prieten.

Instalarea constă din trei obiecte ceramice care, împreună cu improvizația și proiecția luminii, oferă o experiență mistică totală.

Poate fi văzut în Chongqing, No.6 ZongBao Road, Chongqing Xi Yong Zona Bonded Comprehensive , Zona B , Sha Ping Ba District, Chong Qing, China, Cod Postal 400000, 保税区 重庆 市 沙坪坝 区 , 西 永 综合 保税区 B 区 , 综大道 大道 6 号 , 泓 艺 九洲 国际 文化 艺术 中心 Muzeul de Artă Chongqing Hong, Chongqing 10


ianuarie 2020 - 21 februarie 2020


Leonard Silvius locuiește în prezent în Vlissingen. S-a născut și a crescut în Eindhoven. A terminat conservatorul din Tilburg și a cântat ca violonist în Orchestra Brabant timp de 30 de ani, care s-a contopit cu Orchestra Limburg în urmă cu 6 ani. Atras de ceramica în formă de mână, a început să-și dezvolte propriul limbaj formal în același timp cu conservatorul. Sub deviza: în final este alienat să trăim într-o lume a formelor care este determinată de alții. Conceperea te face acasă. Instalarea sub numele de Muvik Ceramics a fost expusă pentru prima dată în 2007 în Huize Willemen, Salamanderstraat din Hengelo.

The data for the exhibition in Chongqing is extended . Initially it was planned from 10 jan. to 21 febr., but due to the importance of the exhibition the art authorities of Chongqing decided to change and extend the time of the exhibition .  Now it will be from 10 jan. to 31 march 2020.

Allereerst aan iedereen

die ik nog niet persoonlijk benaderd heb: 

een heel gelukkig 2020!


Als keramist wordt 2020 voor mij een heel spannend jaar.

Na vorig jaar door Pashmin Art Gallery , Hamburg, uitgeroepen te zijn als beste kunstenaar van Nederland en door hen gepromoot in China , is daar voor mij dit jaar deelname aan de tentoonstelling in het Museum of Art in Chongqing uit voortgevloeid. 

Vandaag kreeg ik de flyer binnen met daarop de data. Vanwege het belang van de tentoonstelling is het bij voorbaat met ruim 5 weken verlengd. Niet van 10 jan.- 21 febr. maar tot 31 maart!

Voor wie benieuwd is en niet naar China kan afreizen: Mijn werken  op de tentoonstelling zijn te zien op de nieuwe website: >> video huize Willemen >> vanaf minuut 9.10 ev. 



Het gaat om een installatie van keramiek met lichtprojectie en improvisatie waar de viool een dominante rol in speelt. Het ondergaan in de tijd van dit samengaan van deze drie componenten zorgt voor een unieke, mystieke beleving. 


Voor meer informatie over de installatie en ander keramisch werk: of via de website:


Groet en misschien tot ziens op andere tentoonstellingslocaties in de toekomst!


Leonard Silvius


First of all to everyone I haven't approached personally: a very happy 2020!


As a ceramicist, 2020 will be a very exciting year for me. After being named the best artist in the Netherlands by Pashmin Art Gallery, Hamburg, and promoted by them in China last year, this resulted in my participation in the exhibition at the Museum of Art in Chongqing this year.

Today I received the flyer with the dates. Due to the importance of the exhibition, it has been extended by more than 5 weeks in advance. Not from Jan. 10 to Feb 21. but until March 31!

For those who are curious and cannot travel to China: My works at the exhibition can be seen on the new website: >> video house Willemen >> from minute 9.10 onwards.



This is an installation of ceramics with light projection and improvisation in which the violin plays a dominant role. The undergoing of these three components in the time of this merger provides a unique, mystical experience.


For more information about the installation and other ceramic work: or via the website: Greetings and maybe see you at other exhibition locations in the future!


Leonard Silvius